Monday, September 28, 2015

3 Hyperlink CrAzY

I know this graphic is small (I tried to resize it but I just can't figure out why it isn't working.). Click here for a version you can zoom in and out on. I found this infographic very helpful for my newsletter assignment this week. It's clean and sensible. I agreed with the pairings of fonts as well as the ones you were told not to use ever. I feel, however, that the creator should have had some kind of key telling the names of the fonts shown in order to maximize effectiveness.

Base on chapter 9, I will begin by teaching my second graders about digital citizenship using videos such as the BrainPop video we watched and some of the games via our Edmodo group. I believe it is utterly important for children to understand that it is almost impossible to get anything off the internet, and that they should really monitor what goes out. That was one of the main focuses of the BrainPop Video. Then I plan on using several other websites for other learning experiences.

Working on the newsletter assignment I mentioned above has been a struggle but a really fun struggle. I've enjoyed all the formatting skills I've learned. I am really easily amused and was grateful to have learned how to include a hyperlink in a Microsoft Word Document. I think this assignment definitely got me more excited to become a teacher. I can't wait to be able to write newsletters without having to pull the stories up out of make-believe thin air!


  1. Your infographic is great! I consider design in all my publications, on- and offline. The font pairings is right on target with what I've learned.

  2. I agree with the newsletter being a struggle! The hardest part for me was having to make up situations to talk about!

  3. I agree with the newsletter being a struggle! The hardest part for me was having to make up situations to talk about!
