Monday, August 24, 2015

0 a little something about me

In this day and age, it's almost impossible to find someone with little or no experience using technology. It all starts before kids can talk; we use technology to entertain them. Students, teachers, parents and other job-holding citizens often use technology in order to stay connected with friends, family and coworkers, as well as to do their actual jobs.

I wouldn't necessarily call myself incredibly tech-savvy. However, I have been the entertained toddler, the homework-completing student, the colleague who used Facebook to keep in touch and the employee using different computer systems to place clothing orders for a boutique or to send an order in to the kitchen, as well as the fifth grader building robots with Legos and sending them on "missions" and the ninth grader showing my teachers how to use their new projectors and iPads. 

I believe it is safe to say that today's technology is becoming more and more relevant to our lives and I use technology more per day than even I realize. 

I have high hopes that this semester in EME 2040 will sharpen old tech skills as well as opening my eyes to easier ways to do the things I've always done-even down to learning more keystrokes than I already knew and other small things that'll make working with technology so much easier.

From the learning style questionnaire I took this morning, I see that I'm a visual and intuitive learner. I still enjoy a good lecture sometimes.. if I've had my coffee.. and it isn't warm in the room.. and the lights are bright.. and the lecturer is reasonably excited about the topic.. actually, let's just say I'd prefer graphs and pictures to a lecture. 

1 comment:

  1. We need you Kristen! Although we may cover a new topic to you, with your strong tech background you "get it" early. Please help folks around you.

    PS - I'll try not to lecture too much.
